Fully customize & color-code your HubSpot deal cards

Show different properties at each stage of the pipeline.
Show more than 2 properties on each card.
Define custom colors for each stage.

CRM SuperPowers works with HubSpot:

We are putting the final touches on CRM SuperPowers and will launch very soon. This is what our early users say:

Thanks to CRM SuperPowers, different people working on different deal boards can see the properties they really need.

Christian Watson

I can finally control what attributes I see in the board view. This is huge for sales managers!

Colette Ryan

HubSpot users should have the ability to customize the deal board. This is a quick win when managing a lot of deals.

Jamie Hernandez

What can you do with CRM SuperPowers?

Show different deal properties for each pipeline. And for each stage.

Different teams need to see different deal properties.An the information you need in the first stages of a deal is different from the information needed further down the pipeline.So we have developed CRM SuperPowers to help you define, for each pipeline and stage, which properties you need to see for each deal.Ready to be more effective at closing deals?

Show more than just 2 properties on each deal card.

It should be up to you to decide how many properties you need to see, right?With CRM SuperPowers you can show unlimited properties on each card. So you can decide what information is really relevant, and see it without having to open the deal page.And on top of that? You can set up diferent properties for EACH step in the pipeline. How cool is that?

Access hidden HubSpot deal properties

Some deal properties are hidden in HubSpot, yet they are vital for managing deals.With CRM SuperPowers you can see how many days a deal has been stuck in the same stage. Or all the stages a deal has gone through.No more stale deals!

Deal color-coding is finally possible in HubSpot!

When you have dozens of deals on the board, a color code is very helpful. Especially if you can use your own criteria to color them.Deals that go 3 days without a contact? Yellow. 5 days? Red.Deals bigger than $50,000? Green. Bigger than $100,000? Gold 💰!!!

Are you ready to customize your HubSpot deal cards and close more deals?

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For individuals trying out CRM SuperPowers.

$0 user/month

1 Pipeline
3 properties per card
No color-coding


For individual account executives who want to close more deals.

$19 user/month

2 Pipelines
Different properties per pipeline
3 properties per card
Basic color-coding


For small and medium-sized sales teams.

$39 user/month

Unlimited pipelines
Different properties per pipeline and deal stage
Unlimited properties per card
Color-coding criteria per pipeline
Shared configuration with team members


For medium and large sales organizations.

$79 user/month

Unlimited pipelines
Different properties per pipeline and deal stage
Unlimited properties per card
Color-coding criteria per pipeline and deal stage
Shared configuration with team members
Priority support

Contact us

We provide customer and pre-sales support from Monday to Friday. You can contact us using the following form, or by sending us an email to help@crm-superpowers.com . We aim to reply within one working day.

How to get started

We are working hard to get CRM SuperPowers ready for launch and are adding people gradually to make sure nothing breaks.